LWC (Container Protection)
Home Management
- /sethome <homename>
- Set a new home with the specified name.
- /home <homename>
- Teleport to your specified home.
- /home bed
- Teleport to your bed, if you have one set.
- /delhome <homename>
- Delete the specified home.
- /spawn
- Teleport to the server’s spawnpoint.
- /warps
- Show a list of available warps.
- /warp <warpname>
- Teleport to the specified warp.
- /tpaccept
- Accept a teleport request from another player.
- /tpdeny
- Decline a teleport request from another player.
- /tptoggle
- Toggle preventing other players from teleporting to you.
- /mail send
- Send a mail message to the specified player.
- /mail read
- Show you your mail.
- /mail clear
- Clear your mail.
- /msg
- Send a private message to the specified player.
- /me
- Send an emote in chat beginning with your player name. (ie. * Notch just sold Minecraft to Microsoft for $2.5 billion.)
Other Tools
- /list
- Show a list of all players on your server.
- /glist
- Show a list of all players on all servers.
- /bal
- Check your current token balance.
- /seen
- Check when another player was last online.
- /realname
- Show the real name of a nicknamed player.
- /getpos
- Check your current coordinates.
- /compass
- Check your compass bearing.
- /ping
- Pong!
- /playtime
- Check your time played on the current server.
- /editsign
- Allows editing of signs using a command.
- Also allows the usage of color codes.
- /colors
- See a list of usable colors.
LWC (Container Protection)
Container Locking
- /chopper <on/off>
- Toggle hopper input/output to the block.
- Toggle hopper input/output to the block.
- /cprivate
- Lock a container (private access).
- /cpublic
- Lock a container (public access).
- /cdonation
- Lock a container (donation access).
- /cdisplay
- Lock a container (display access).
- /cremove
- Remove a protection.
- /cmodify <user>
- Give the specified user access to the selected container.
- /cmodify @<user>
- Give the specified user Admin access to the selected container.
- /ctrust <add|remove> <user>
- Allow/disallow the specified user to access ALL of your protections.
- /cpersist
- Make LWC commands persist (click multiple chests in a row) until disabled.
- /cinfo
- Check ownership of a container.
- /chelp
- Shows these commands in-game.
- /lb me
- View your top LogBlock stats.
- /lb tool
- Spawn a tool that allows you to check recent block changes.
- Right-click with the tool to check block changes within the past 60 days. Also shows chest withdrawals/deposits.
- /survival
- Switch to the Survival server.
- /creative
- Switch to the Creative server.
- Accessible by B+ rank and above.
- /server
- Bring up the server switcher (GUI).
- Bring up the server switcher (GUI).
- /locshare
- Share your location (and a LiveMap link) with the specified player.
- /wb list
- Check the world border settings for all worlds on the current server.
- /tps
- Check the server’s recent TPS.
- /vote
- Show the vote link.
- /rules
- Show the rules link.
- /ranks
- View all of the available ranks on Arcadia.
- /quit
- Quit the server. Not permanent.
- /flip
- Flips the table.
- Use after you die.