Occasional Update - June 11, 2020

Welcome to week four of Arcadia Minecraft! Stick around to find out what new things are happening on Arcadia this week!

Arcadia’s first build competition continues this week, with players making significant progress on their builds! If you haven’t already signed up for the build competition, you can do so by typing /buildcomp in-game! Check out some information below.

How to Enter

  1. Type /buildcomp in-game to enter the competition.
  2. Build something COOL and AMAZING and TOTALLY MINDBLOWING on Arcadia’s Survival world! (please include coordinates)
  3. Post pictures of your build in the Discord #competition-submissions channel.
  4. ????
  5. Profit!

Rules and Deadline

  • You must use your own resources.
  • You my begin building anytime, but your build must be submitted no later than 12pm EST / 4pm UTC on Wednesday, June 17, 2020.
  • Judging will be carried out solely by Llamasquishy for this competition. This is so that Staff Members may participate as well.


  • This build competition is NOT for you to build the spawn area. It is to decide WHO will build it!
  • The new spawn area will be built entirely from legitimately obtained resources. We will be looking for resource donations based on the winner’s requirements!

Message from the Owner

From Llama: “Thank you to everyone who is supporting Arcadia and to those who continue to play and invite their friends! You are all totally awesome! <3”